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Frequently Asked Questions

At Project Tree we want you to be confident in your choice to use our services. That's why we have collected the most frequently asked questions that we receive from our customers.


If you have a question that isn't on our list, let us know

and we will add it!

FAQ Quote Anchor

What Happens When You Ask For a Free Quote?


Like all the trees of the forest, your project is unique.

However, along the path to get the job done, we can count on a few things being similar. 


Here is what to expect...when you ask for a free quote:


Project Tree reaches out to everyone that requires a Free Quote. We arrive at the address that you want us to and consult with you about the scope of your project. Our field service agent will take pictures and notes where required and prepare a draft proposal right away, usually before they leave the property.


The draft proposal is approved by our operations team

and you will be emailed an official copy, usually within 24 hours.


In the PDF file is a detailed outline of what services are covered by the proposal and the prices. You will also see that there may be options available and there may be permits required. The first step to getting the job done is for you to make your choice. We want you to read and understand the proposal, and be comfortable moving ahead.


1) Reply to the proposal email or call when you are ready for the second step.


The second step is the delivery of your formal quote. Like the proposal, your quote will include work to be done and a fixed price. The fixed price is what you can expect to pay.


2) Use the simple "one-click accept" feature on the email quote to move onto the third step


The third step is to confirm your acceptance of the project. We will deliver a standard invoice for 25% of the overall cost of the job. We accept eTransfers, cheques and credit/debit.


3) Submit payment for a deposit on the quote to move on to the fourth step.


The fourth step is to endorse a liability waiver. We will deliver a liability waiver to your inbox. Please read it, check the box and click "submit". It is that easy.


4) Understand and submit a liability waiver to move on to the fifth step.


The fifth step is to schedule your project. We will work with you to find a time and date that works.  Upon completion of the project, we will present an invoice for the balance of our fees, which are due and payable.


5) Remit payment of the final invoice to move on to the final step


The final step is the feedback step. Project Tree is proud to maintain a 5 Star Rating on Google and we worked very hard to achieve that. While that is important to us, it is not as important as ensuring that every customer feels they received a first-rate job from a first-rate company.


That is why we not only send a final email on every project automatically to hear what you think,

but we also act on your input and suggestions.

As always, if you have questions about any of the steps or require more information, we are always here to help.


Our contact form is below for your convenience.


At Project Tree, we are passionate about trees, your property, and exceeding your expectations. Contact us today to discover the unparalleled tree care services and unique wood creations we offer in Niagara, Ontario. Together, let's bring your vision to life.

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27-200 Fitch Street,

Welland, ON L3C 4V9

This is our email address. You can click on it to open a new email message to send to us
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